The Working Certificate/Working Certificate Excellent is a GRCA title designed to show the dogs natural instinct. It requires some training, so I went to today's test to see what was required. I am VERY excited about training for this - I felt just like I did on the first day I ever watched agility. It was beautiful to watch the dogs in their natural environment doing what they were designed to do!
After the land portion of the test was complete, there were pheasants 'left over'. I took one for Cash and Sophie. Sophie didn't show much interest in the bird, but Cash was quite exuberant about this new "toy"!
Cash says - What's this?
Ahhhhh - very interesting indeed!
I think I will carry this around for a bit - feathers are fun!
Sorry for the terrible pictures, but its REALLY hard to take pictures while holding the leash and tossing a dead bird for the pupp!Looks like I have to make room for another dog hobby...and room in the freezer for some dead birds - YUCK!
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